West Village Courier

Church Activities
       June 30-July 4– Shiloh trip
  6-13-Pinehaven Mission trip
Looking Ahead
   August 13-First Day of School    

July  Anniversaries
3—Austin & Heather Longbons
       Lincoln & Maggie Moore
 5—Aaron & Megan Winter
 6—John & Avalea Wissel
 7—Charlton & Micheala  
 8—Dale & Audrey Schmittler
 9—Mike & Lesa Dean
 11—Lonny & Valerie Murbarger
 14—Mason & Stacey Moore
        Jesse & Michelle Smith
 16—Bill & Charlotte Tribe
 22—Nolan & Whitney Owings
 26—Ryan & Sarah Fehrenbacher
 27—Olin & Esther Shilling
 30—Johnny & Sharon Gill
         Carl & Crystal Porter
 31—Tim & Erin MacSaveny

 July  Greeters
7-Sandy Hortin
14-Bill & Charlotte Tribe
21-Carson & Rhonda Everett

June Sound System 
Kevin Berger
Children's Church
7-Darla Bradham
14-Emily Wick
21-Kianna Fritchley
28-Rebecca Perry
7-Whitney & Tara
14-Debbie & Rhonda
21-Tonya & Audrey
28-Joyce & Michelle

Call to Worship
July 7-Carl Porter
July 14-Bill Tribe
July 21-Dan Aaron
July 28-Jarod Weaver

July  Servers
Morgan Moore
Jarod Weaver
Roger Shelby
Jayare Buerster

VBS Success!!

Thank you to everyone that had any part in VBS this year, especially to our directors Michelle Smith, Shayla Potts, and Mackenzie Longbons!!  The weather was perfect and all the kids had a great time with the dinosaurs.  Attendance this year broke recent VBS records!!  On Monday we had 140 kids, and each day was over 125!  

Potluck for Will

As many know, Will is going to be leaving us soon.  He met the love of his life and is getting married, and moving to South Dakota. On June 30th we will be having a potluck to say goodbye, as it will be Will’s last Sunday at West Village.  It will be immediately after Sunday morning worship. Please plan to join us,  drinks and table service will be provided

Last Sunday Offering

Beginning in June, the last Sunday’s offering will go back to the general fund.  Anyone that would like to make a donation towards the parsonage project can make a note in the memo on their check or put cash in an envelope marked for that and put it in with the regular offering.

VBS Success

Thank you to everyone that had any part in VBS this year, especially to our directors Michelle Smith, Shayla Potts, and Mackenzie Longbons!!  The weather was perfect and all the kids had a great time with the dinosaurs.  Attendance this year broke recent VBS records!!  On Monday we had 140 kids, and each day was over 125!  

Oil Belt Camp

Summer is almost here and that means that the camp season at Oil Belt will be here soon!  Online registration is now open,  and if you haven’t already registered look online and see what week of camp works the best for your summer schedule.  When registering online you will need the code westvillagecc100 to include on the payment page.  Please fill out the Church Payment Authorization form and bring it to Nolan to sign after registering.  Then all that is left is packing for days of fun!
Activities at the Village on Main

Missions Moment

Shiloh Children's Christian Home
A thought from Kevin Blew:
       Baraka za Mungu Kweli, ni za?
       Denice and I were in Nairobi, Kenya visiting our daughter Anna’s family, and the lyrics to a song we learned translates to “The Blessing of God is a Mystery.”
A common practice in Kenyan churches involves how they handle the children during worship.  Prior to the sermon the children are called forward to be prayed for, to receive God’s Blessing.  Sometimes they are then dismissed to an age-appropriate service of their own and sometimes they go back to sit with their family.  But they are routinely singled out for a blessing. 
Could our American churches add this to our worship service?  Maybe we could.  Maybe we should.
Regardless, may I encourage us all to start praying more of God’s Blessings on His Children.  Not just on Sunday morning, but daily.  Your prayers for Shiloh’s children powerfully magnifies your giving and also removes the myster.y.

Will's Corner

I remember when I first visited West Village two years ago. My GPS took me through Fairfield and down Massilon Road and all the way around all the winding county roads right at the peak of the growing season. I wasn’t used to row crops - just an Okie that occasionally dealt with cattle and horses. After about the third turn through another corn field, I sent up a quick prayer to God. “God, if a child with gray skin and dead eyes comes out of this corn, I ask that you make my death quick and painless or deliver me from here safely - one or the other.”
Now, I say that to be kind of funny, but also with some seriousness, ya know? Oftentimes when we talk to God, WE have the audacity to give HIM options on how to help US. In fact, I remember when I first started talking about forever with Lauren after we got engaged. We had two options in our head; I move to her or she move to me. Now, obviously one of those ended up happening, but I just remember praying for several days for God to make the path between those two options clear, as if there wasn’t any other way. As I sit here and write this final article to you, my friends and the family that I’ve grown to love these last two years, I just want to challenge you with one final thing - don’t put limitations on what God can do. We’ve all done it before, sometimes without knowing. But this church is growing, and that’s a testament to the good stewards within it. As you begin to think about what is next in this church’s long history, keep in mind that you serve a God with no limitations. I love you all so very much and am so very thankful for the time that I got to spend growing in Christ’s love with each and every one of you.

Chasing the Cross,
Will Kelly