The bible tells us to go. Go tell others. Go take care of the sick, go help the needy. We are looking to God’s calling to go and go to Albion. We have an opportunity to purchase the EC Fitness building and we are asking if you would support the ministry opportunities that it would bring. The elders have felt the call for WVCC to have a larger presence in Albion. We are looking to be led by God and we don’t have all the answers, but we feel that the outreach and service opportunities that could open up through this building are only limited by our own willingness to serve. This could be the home of student events, clothing and food drives, bible studies and services in town for people that have never walked in the doors of a church, Christmas, and Easter events, and so many others that we haven’t even thought about yet. The Elders have been praying for God’s will to be done and for Him to guide us and use us in our community. This Sunday at the beginning of the worship service the elders will present information on the building and our dream for what it could be for WVCC and our service to Edwards County. After the presentation we will ask each of you to help guide our decision by writing a simple yes or no on the provided paper. Yes, you support the idea of pursuing the purchase the EC Fitness building for the purpose of ministry and outreach. Or no, you do not feel like this is the direction that God is leading our church. We will then take the results to the WVCC Board Meeting following service this Sunday, April 10th. If you have any questions before Sunday, please contact any of the Elders.