Worship Services
March 9, 2025

Order of Worship

Prayers & Praises-Jim Peach
Call to Worship -  Steve Greathouse
Worship - 
"10,000 Reasons”
"Blessed Assurance"
"In My Heart There Rings a Melody"
Sermon - Nolan Owings
"Not Alone"
Luke 6:12-16
Invitation - "I Come to the Garden Alone
Closing Song- "The Family of God


Remember to support our missions.  The donation box is available every Sunday in the foyer.  All seven of our missions are supported monthly.  Attach a note if you wish to designate your giving.  

If anyone, of any age, needs a ride to church please contact the office or one of the elders.  The church bus runs before Sunday school every Sunday morning.  

Women’s Bible Study began on  February 4th.  It  meets on Tuesday mornings at 9am at the church and Tuesday evenings at 7pm at the Village on Main.  The seven week study by Kelly Minter will be on the book of Esther. The study invites you to look into Esther’s daring faith, “rooted in the goodness of God, lived out through extraordinary circumstances, and used to change the world.”  All are welcome anytime!

The tote for Love Packages is out and will be available through March 9th.

 A Baby Shower Brunch in preparation of Dylan & Brooke Knight’s baby boy will be held at WVCC on Saturday, March 22nd at 10:00am.  Babylist.com can provide you with registry ideas.

Registration for Oil Belt is open! Select the week of camp based on the grade the camper will be entering in the fall. When you register you will need the code westvillagecc100 for payment. After registration is complete fill out the Church Payment Authorization Form and bring it to Nolan to sign.  Camp schedules are available on the welcome center.

On March 15th, the 3 yr. old-5th grades will have a Loved Ones and Me Party.  The girls party will feature tea time  From 3:00-4:00 they will have their hair, nails, and makeup done, and from 4:00-5:00 will have a tea party with their loved ones.  The boys party will feature Everything Gross & Nerf War.  From 3:00-4:00 they will do gross science experiments and from 4:00-5:00 will have a nerf war with their loved ones.  All participants will need to bring their own nerf guns. For any questions please contact Ashley Spray or Sherry Mewes.

Service This Week and Next

Greeters today: Kwade, Dylan, & Ryan
Greeters Next Week:  High School girls

Welcome Center Today: Charlotte
Welcome Center Next Week:  Darla

Nursery Today: Debbie & Rhonda
Nursery Next Week: Sandy & Tonya

Children's Church Today:  Tanea 
Children's Church Next Week: Tara

Call to Worship Next Week: Tyler Longbons