West Village Courier
Church Activities
7-8: Big Overnighter
@Oil Belt
15: Ladies Day @ Oil Belt
15: Loved Ones and Me
party 3yrs-5th grade
21: Mercy Me Concert
Looking Ahead
April 20– Easter Sunday
June 1-Church Picnic
June 2-6-VBS
March Anniversaries
7—Don & Nancy Bunting
11—David & Jan Wheat
19—Larry & Marla Alexander
31—Andrew & Heather Spray
March Greeters
2—Ben, Katie, Jason
9—Kwade, Dylan, Ryan
16—High School girls
23—Eli, Adriel, Jaron, Maverick
30—High School Class
March Sound System
Kevin Berger
Children's Church
30-No Children's Church
2-Whitney & Tara
9-Debbie & Rhonda
16-Sandy & Tonya
23-Michelle & Joyce
30-Sandy & Debbie
Call to Worship
March 2-Jim Heindselman
March 9-Steve Greathouse
March 16-Shad McKinzie
March 23-Tyler Longbons
March 30-Youth Sunday
Jarod Weaver
Dakota Moore
Jaron Weaver
Lincoln Moore
Loved Ones and Me Party
On March 15th, the 3 yr. old-5th grades will have a Loved Ones and Me Party. The girls party will feature tea time. From 3:00-4:00 they will have their hair, nails, and makeup done, and from 4:00-5:00 they will have a tea party with their loved ones. The boys party will feature Everything Gross & Nerf War. From 3:00-4:00 they will do gross science experiments and from 4:00-5:00 they will have a nerf war with their loved ones. All participants will need to bring their own nerf guns. For any questions please contact Ashley Spray or Sherry Mewes.
Women's Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study meets on Tuesday mornings at 9:00am at the church and Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm at the VOM. The seven week study by Kelly Minter is on the book of Esther. The study invites you to look into Esther’s daring faith, “rooted in the goodness of God, lived out through extraordinary circumstances, and used to change the world.” All are welcome at anytime!
Ladies Day 2025
Oil Belt will be hosting their annual Ladies Day on March 15. The theme is “Joy in the Journey.” Registration is online and costs $25, which includes a light breakfast and lunch. The main speaker will be Dinelle Frankland, the Academic Dean at the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies and the worship leader will be the legendary Anita Newlin.
Oil Belt
Oil Belt is set to open registration for the summer of 2025 on March 3 at 10am! Select the week of camp based on the grade campers will be entering in the fall. For payment you will need the code westvillagecc100. After registration is complete, fill out the church payment authorization form and bring it to Nolan to sign! After that all that is left is to pack and have a great week at camp!
Children's Devotion
Nathanael said to Philip, “Nazareth! Can anything good come from Nazareth?” Philip answered, “Come and see.” John 1:46 Nathanael’s question is still being asked today, over two thousand years later. Can anything good come out of Nazareth? Can Jesus be real? Just come and see. Come and see the changed lives: the sad who now have joy; the angry who are now at peace; the shamed who have been forgiven; the hurts that have been healed; the orphans who are hugged; and the prisoners who have been given hope. Come and see the pierced hand of Jesus. Watch as He touches the most ordinary heart, wipes the tear from the dirtiest face, and forgives the ugliest sin. Come and see. He welcomes everyone who looks for Him. He ignores no one. He fears no question. Come and see Jesus. *taken from Grace for the Moment by Max Lucado
Activities at the Village on Main
Missions Moment
FCA/Nate Whisler
Dear Friends,
Thank you for the incredible impact you’ve made possible this year. Your generosity empowered us to engage with coaches and athletes, helping them become disciples of Christ who will disciple others. As we look to grow and reach more lives, we need your support to build on these victories in 2025.
We’ve accomplished so much together:
-1 Sophomore leader from Clay City committed to lifelong Christian ministry.
- Mt. Carmel High School launched a student huddle this fall, with 12 students meeting weekly!
-Olney Central College now has a student huddle every Wednesday, averaging 25 attendees.
Vision for 2025:
-Start a student huddle at Wabash Valley College to help students grow in their faith
-Launch student and coach huddles at Frontier Community College to foster community and spiritual growth.
-Disciple three new athletes and three new coaches through one-on-one or small group meetings at Olney, Fairfield, and Wayne City High Schools.
The Impact 2023/2024:
-Baptisms: 0/5
-Student Leadership teams: 2/5
-Student Huddles: 12/16
-Students & Coaches: 250/325
Dear Friends,
Thank you for the incredible impact you’ve made possible this year. Your generosity empowered us to engage with coaches and athletes, helping them become disciples of Christ who will disciple others. As we look to grow and reach more lives, we need your support to build on these victories in 2025.
We’ve accomplished so much together:
-1 Sophomore leader from Clay City committed to lifelong Christian ministry.
- Mt. Carmel High School launched a student huddle this fall, with 12 students meeting weekly!
-Olney Central College now has a student huddle every Wednesday, averaging 25 attendees.
Vision for 2025:
-Start a student huddle at Wabash Valley College to help students grow in their faith
-Launch student and coach huddles at Frontier Community College to foster community and spiritual growth.
-Disciple three new athletes and three new coaches through one-on-one or small group meetings at Olney, Fairfield, and Wayne City High Schools.
The Impact 2023/2024:
-Baptisms: 0/5
-Student Leadership teams: 2/5
-Student Huddles: 12/16
-Students & Coaches: 250/325
Nolan's Corner
God’s word, written down for us over a period of nearly two thousand years, is the greatest catalyst for change in this world. This might be strange for a minister to say, but all of our flowery speeches, Christian books, podcasts, movies, K-Love radio, and Sunday school books are only sides to the main course of God’s word. All of these extras are great, they bring their own flare to our worship and study, but it’s God’s word that changes us.
Isaiah 55:10-11 tells us, “As the rain and snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” The promise of scripture is that God’s word is powerful, and life changing. It has been a while since I studied the Water Cycle, but if I remember correctly, it is all about the circular, never ending, pattern of water falling, regathering, rising and falling again. God’s word is the same. When it is read or spoken into our lives it changes us, refusing to return without bringing life to the hearer. But it must be heard.
God’s word cannot impact lives if it isn’t ingested. You cannot be changed by His word if you are not diving in, and you cannot help change the lives of others if His word isn’t pouring out of you.
Isaiah 55:10-11 tells us, “As the rain and snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” The promise of scripture is that God’s word is powerful, and life changing. It has been a while since I studied the Water Cycle, but if I remember correctly, it is all about the circular, never ending, pattern of water falling, regathering, rising and falling again. God’s word is the same. When it is read or spoken into our lives it changes us, refusing to return without bringing life to the hearer. But it must be heard.
God’s word cannot impact lives if it isn’t ingested. You cannot be changed by His word if you are not diving in, and you cannot help change the lives of others if His word isn’t pouring out of you.