West Village Courier

Church Activities
   4     Bible Study Begins
   7    Men’s Night @ Oil Belt
   8    Skating Party
  16-17 High School retreat at
            Oil Belt

     Looking Ahead
  Mar. 7-8-3rd-5th Big
             Overnighter @ Oil Belt
  Mar. 15—Ladies Day @ Oil Belt
  Mar. 21—Mercy Me concert
  April 20—Easter Sunday
  June 10-14—VBS

February  Anniversaries
4—Brett & Debra Mason
  6—Jim & Nancy Utley
 25—Wade & Carolyn Gillard
 February  Greeters
2—Carson & Rhonda Everett
  9—Bill & Charlotte Tribe
 16—Mike & Lesa Dean
 23—Roger & Charlotte Shelby

February  Sound System 
Evan Thomson
Children's Church
2-Emily W.
16-Rebecca P.
2-Tara & Whitney
9-Debbie & Rhonda
16-Sandy & Tonya
23-Michelle & Joyce

Call to Worship
February 2-Rodney Michels
February 9-Jesse Smith
February 16-Jim Peach
February 23-Ben Spray

February   Servers
Roger Shelby
Kevin Berger
Jayare Buerster
Tyler Longbons

Women's Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study will begin on  February 4th.  It will meet on Tuesday mornings at 9am and Tuesday evenings at 7pm at the Village on Main.  The seven week study by Kelly Minter  will be on Esther. The study invites you to look into Esther’s daring faith, “rooted in the goodness of God, lived out through extraordinary circumstances, and used to change the world.”  A sign up is in the foyer for all who are interested.

Men's Night

Men’s Night at Oil Belt will be held on Friday, February 7.  The doors open at 3:30pm, a pre-session for church leaders will be from 4:00-5:00pm, supper begins at 5:30, and worship will follow at 7pm.  The theme for this year is “Get in the Game,” with Tim Harlow as the featured speaker.  Tim Harlow retired last year after serving for over thirty years as senior pastor of Parkview Christian Church in Orland Park, IL.  The attendance of 150 when he arrived, grew to over 10,000 across many campuses in Chicago’s southwest suburbs.   The cost for the night is $20 per person and registration is online.

Skating party

A skating party is planned for February 8th from 3:30-5:30 at Skateland Rollersport Skating Rink in Fairfield.  Skate rental is included.

Big Overnighter

The Big Overnighter at Oil Belt will be March 7th-8th!  It is for 3rd-5th grade, and the theme will be “Life of the Party.” If you would like to go let Erin or Nolan know!  Mark your calendars and watch for more info in the bulletin!

Children's Devotion

Jesus chose to come to earth in a human body...just like yours.  The mouth that called Lazarus out of the grave was human..just like your mouth.  The hand that touched the leper had dirt under his nails.  The feet that the woman washed with her tears were dusty.  And His tears-yes, He had tears too-they came from a heart that was as broken as yours or mine has ever been.  Because Jesus was so human, people came to Him.  My, how they came to Him.  They came at night as Nicodemus did.  They touched Him as He walked down the street.  They followed Him around the sea.  They invited Him into their homes and sat their children at His feet.  Why?  Because He refused to be an “I’m-better-than-you” superstar on a stage.  Instead he chose to be a real person who could be touched and known by people...just like you.  He remembered us when we were in trouble.  His love continues forever. Psalm 136:23 *Taken from Grace for the Moement by Max Lucado.
Activities at the Village on Main

Missions Moment

2024 Giving
Thank you for supporting our missions by praying for them, volunteering to serve, and financial support.  In 2024, donations to missions totaled $25,370.  Our supported missions received the following amounts:
         Pioneer Bible Translators     $3,806.75
  Shiloh $6641.00
  Oblong Children’s Home $3725.75
  Oil Belt $3745.75
  Pinehaven $3705.75
  Living Stones International $1632.50
  FCA/Nate Whisler $1892.50
 Total $25,370
A donation box for missions is located on the table in the foyer, and the funds are collected and disbursed monthly.  If you are interested in joining the Missions Team, please see Nolan or a team member.  Your participation is welcomed!

Nolan's Corner

      Perspective is important. The author C.S. Lewis wrote, “There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal. Nations, cultures, arts, civilizations - these are mortal, and their life is to ours as the life of a gnat. But it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub and exploit - immortal horrors or everlasting splendors.” It is easy to walk through life focused on all the wrong things. The pace of life leaves us worried about our finances, our building projects, our jobs, our busy schedules, and other important things. But they are not the primary things.
If you are like me, you have spent far too many hours and days pursuing the less important. The beauty of Lewis’ quote is that it refocuses our perspective. People are what is important. In the midst of all that life throws at you it is easy to forget that this life that we are currently living is but a dot in the tapestry of eternity. But the people that we see that fill up our lives are eternal. Your family, your friends, your co-workers, strangers, and enemies, they are eternal, meaning they are the only things that are truly important.
Our challenge as believers is to keep the main thing the main thing. People are the main thing.